

Let's Recycle!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
recycle Bring your aluminum and plastic recyclables to school with your children every Friday.

Box Tops

Collect & Win boxtops
Give your Homeroom Teachers your Box Tops and win fun activities.

The Sharks

Basketball Update:

Dear Parents,

We are excited to begin our new sports year with our Basketball practices at a new gym location. This year all Basketball practices will be held at the Armenian Brotherhood Bible Church 1536 E Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91104 (Parking Lot entrance on Breese Ave) exactly 2.4 miles from Hovsepian school from 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm.

Coach Hatfield, Coach Sako & Coach Gary will continue their dedication to prepare our young athletes for healthy competitions/tournaments.

Please sign up by October 22nd with Mrs. Hasmik in the office.

The fee to cover all of the sport related activities including a jersey (which the student will keep) is $175.
The fee to cover all of the sport related activities not including a jersey, is $150.

All students participating in Track & Field will receive a $30 credit towards the sport fee.

-Kindergarten-2nd Grade Team (Mighty Mites):
      Practice on Wednesdays with Coach Hatfield.
            Mighty Mites will participate in "controlled games" on Saturday mornings (8:00 am) from January - March 2015 with the City of Pasadena Basketball League.

-3rd- 4th Grade (C Division):
      Practices on Thursdayswith Coach Sako.
            C Division will participate in a tournament on Saturday mornings (10:00 am) from January - March 2015 with the City of Pasadena Basketball League.

-5th - 8th Grade (A Division):
      Practices on Fridayswith Coach Gary & Coach Sako.
            A Division will participate in a tournament Friday nights (6:00 pm) from January - March 2015 with the City of Pasadena Basketball League.

BBall Flyer

Prerequisites for Sports Participants